Our environmental footprint

Our environmental footprint

(103-1)For CFS Logistics, respect for the environment and responsible use of natural resources are part of our premises focus on protecting and preserving biodiversity through good agricultural practices which allow the maintenance ecosystems and, at the same time, provide integrated development of our production activities.

This is why we put into effect actions to protect, preserve, and provide integrated management of environmental impacts. These actions will ensure that the company will endure over time, taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders and the timely management of risks.

(103-2) As part of our environmental actions, we defined guidelines which show the objectives we want to achieve in the medium and long term, and we implemented responsible actions to decrease our environmental impact. We are committed to the protection and restoration of the habitat to have better environmental conditions in those territories where we operate, and to develop the business in an integrated manner.

To achieve the reduction of impacts, we carry out responsible actions, such as measuring the carbon footprint, from which plans and strategies are derived in the short and medium term; the care of water sources, the use of renewable energies and the proper management of waste.


Water management

Energy management

Emissions management and climate change

Waste management

(103-3) Our environmental commitment is in force and we continue to comply with the requirements of the legal environmental authorities. We renew or permits for discharges and concessions. We create awareness among our employees about the efficient use of water, the protection of fauna, the proper waste separation and disposal.

Water management (303-1) (303-3)

We careful control of water resources, we ensure the long-term survival of the business and the availability of water for those stakeholders located near our operations.

Through our water management strategy, we contribute to the preservation of the quantity, quality and availability of this valuable resource for the ecosystem, as well as for neighboring communities.


Groundwater is the main source of supply and it is extracted using well concessions. On a monthly basis, the environmental authorities monitor the impact of water extraction.

3 deep wells.

71.283 m3 of water taken from the source.

77.438 m3 taken from underground sources.

Energy management (305-1) (305-2) (305-4) (302-1) (302-3) (302-4)

Responsible energy use is a fundamental pillar for Grupo GreenLand. We are constantly working with equity efficiency processes trying to use less energy and improve costs. We manage strategies to reduce risks and take advantage of opportunities derived from the availability of energy and its proper use.

Together with EPM we have access to clean electricity service, we are part of a select group of companies that work with green energy, i.e., produced using 100% renewable sources, and this is supported through international renewable energy certificates (I-REC). We have EPM’s green energy seal as part of our environmental commitment by promoting the generation of electrical energy based on renewable sources.

9.807.730 kw/h
energy consumption

Emissions management and climate change

Carbon footprint

One of our challenges is to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon footprint methodology

Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon footprint emmissions include measurements of the following sources of emmissions:

  • Fuel use (diesel, gasoline, propane gas, marine diesel, jet fuel).
  • Use of refrigeration gases (R404A, R134A, R410A, R141B, R123).
  • Use of conventional electricity.
  • Use of fuel oils
  • Use of welding gases.
  • Use of fire extinguishers.
  • Decomposing organic materials in septic tanks.
8.517,290 TonCO2 eq
Scope 1: 6.908,822
Scope 2: 1.608,468

The commitment to maintain production processes that are protect the environment, in which the gasses emitted directly, for example, by using fossil fuels in the organization’s equipment or vehicles, and those who work for us, or from loss of refrigeration gases, or chemical reactions in the organization’s production processes, carried out using technology and selecting lower emission imputs, attempting to harmonize and synchronize the value generation activities with the raison d’être of the business and the environment.

Our vision of reducing our carbon footprint focuses on the following activities:

Reduced the use of refrigerant gases which have higher impact on the footprint and start using friendlier gases in terms of tons of CO2 equivalents.

Lower the use of electricity – set up efficient processes to save energy, and increase the amount of energy obtained from sources that have lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Look into the possibility of renewing the fleet of vehicles and/or make more efficient logistics processes because the emissions from Diesel fuel are significant in terms of the corporate carbon footprint

Waste management (306-2)

We are using our waste in a responsible manner. Thus, we can minimize the impact associated with waste disposal. The process of collection, disposal, recycling, and reuse of materials are everyday practices in Grupo Empresarial GreenLand. During 2020 we continue with our good waste collection and disposal practices.

1.251 kg
of ordinary waste delivered to landfills.
1.496 kg
of hazardous waste delivered to landfills.

In our logistics business we also started with the implementation of circular economy practices, in 2020:

We recycle 4,124 gallons of motor oils

We recycle 2.956 kg of cardboard and paper

We collect and arrange appropriately 113 kg of batteries and cells


Water management

  • Measurement of water consumption in critical processes of our logistics and port operations and so define future efficiency actions.

Emissions management and climate change

  • We will be carrying out a diagnostic and a plan to recover the refrigerant gas used to prepare containers in our port terminals to minimize our impacts generated on the carbon footprint.